
How to Make Extensions Work for Your Business

Marketing is a necessity when you’re in business. If you want to be successful and be able to accomplish a lot for your business, making brand extensions to work for you is a popular technique proven by many marketers and business owners. Piggy-backing one product with another bestselling product is a surefire marketing hit. The next question now is what kind of product extensions do you need to be effective with your marketing campaign? What type of extension ads should you use to be successful?One study proved that brand extensions that complete watch repair a set of a product get the most positive response. This means a digital photo printer would most likely have more impact to your target audience when you utilize it as an extension to your bestselling digital camera. Or custom notepads along with your Mont Blanc pen can elicit more response for example. Here’s how the research went:There were three experiments made to test the reactions of the target audience to brand extensions that watch repair were promoted. The first experiment showed the participants four different versions of an ad for a popular brand of digital camera with a “new” extension. There were two targets that were similar to the parent company’s products and two that don’t have the same to that of the company’s items. The former showed brand extensions of the digital camera plus a digital photo printer. The latter provided a snowboard and snowboard boots. Then the next two experiments introduced different factors. There were two different parent companies, and then two options of having a target extension advertised on its own or with multiple extensions.Clearly, the research showed that the formula of having extensions that complete a set proved to have more impact, as well as those products piggy-backed with the same parent company. Both results got the highest score during the experiments.So what does this mean? This suggests that when you do your marketing, you should provide brand extensions that complete a set for your products and services. In addition, having a set of products from a single manufacturer advertised together can mean more positive response from your target clients. It seems that consumers in general are more likely to be enticed to go for an ad that promotes same brand products rather than have another promotional item, say, your notepad printing, tagged along with your washer-dryer. It makes sense to think in sets when promoting your business.So the next time you’re looking at brand extensions think in sets. You’re more likely to generate positive response for your marketing campaign.

