
Christmas Photo Ornaments to Make at Home Replica Handbags

Every year during Christmas we decorate our Christmas tree with ornaments that we buy from store also with some really special ones that we make at home. The home made ornaments are basically made of our children's Replica Handbags photographs and brings back the lost memories each time we look at them. This not only makes our Christmas tree unique but gives it a personal touch and a door way to the lost happy days. If you would like to decorate your Christmas tree with photograph ornaments like we do here are Balenciaga Handbags some easy craft idea that you may pick up. The first holiday craft idea about the Christmas tree can even be done by a preschooler so you do not need to worry whether you have the necessary skill to pull it off. Take a 1/8 inch green sponge board and cut a three inch tree template. Now all you need to do is decorate this green tree ornament. You can make some brightly colored dots, even better if you allow your preschooler child to help you out. Once you are done coloring, cut a 1/2 inch hole towards the bottom of this green tree. Once done simply tape your photo or your children's photo on the back of the tree so that it shows through the hole. You can add a red curling ribbon loop to the top of the tree to make it more attractive. One of my favorite Christmas ornaments that are made from photo are the felt bells that my son made me during his first year in Mother's Day Out. His teacher skillfully cut a blue felt in the shame of a bell about three inches tall. A smaller while bell was also cut but this one has a small hole in the middle for the Thomas Wylde Handbags photo. The photo is attached to this while felt so as it shows through the hole. Once this is done you simply need to glue the white bell on top of the blue one. This will give the white bell a blue border all around. You can use Replica Celine Handbags a glitter glue pen to outline the edges of the white felt. Remember to punch a hole in the top of the bell and thread a blue ribbon to make a loop to hang the bell. Once this is done to complete the bell you will need to cut and blue a blue poster the same size and shape as the blue bell. Gluing it to the bell will actually stiffen the ornament. You can also attach a small jingle bell to the bottom of the ornament. The one my son had contained his name and year on the back, you can write yours.

